(214) 380-5414 info@kidsbringlife.org


Submitting your W-4 and Direct Deposit

If you do not have a printer, you can follow the instructions below. Otherwise, you can print out the form, scan or take a picture and email to carmstrong@kidsbringlife.org

To submit your W-4 and Direct Deposit Information, please follow the instructions:

1. Click the link to the file you need to complete.
2. Complete the form.
3. To sign your name, select the “Draw” button at the top and sign your name.
4. Once you complete, right click and select print and “Save as PDF”. Save to a file on your computer.
5. Email the document to: info@kidsbringlife.org

If you have any questions, please email carmstrong@kidsbringlife.org

Click here to download and print the 2020 W4 Form

Click here to download Direct Deposit Form